Sponsorship Programme

Our main project is the sponsorship of orphans who lost their parents to HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia. Currently this programme focuses on Addis Ababa, but as and when funds and human resources allow it will cover all regions of the country.
The sponsorship programme focuses on children who lost both parents and who could be looked after within the extended family by grandparents, elder siblings or aunts and uncles. FFC believes financial support in such circumstances ensures better the raising of beneficiaries in a loving family environment. It also helps the system of family and social support, the traditional coping mechanism for orphans and other vulnerable children. Since the carers do not have adequate means to support themselves and other dependents, the sponsorship also provide incidental benefit to them.
Normally when sufficient funds are available FFC approach charities working with and for OVCs in Ethiopia to send profile of candidates for sponsorship. Upon agreement on terms and conditions a memorandum of understanding will be signed and selected candidates begin to receive monthly allowances. FFC makes biannual transfer of funds to the local partners, the charities administering the sponsorship. The latter pay out monthly allowance to carers, monitor the well being of the beneficiaries and send to FFC biannual and annual reports on each child. They also arrange visits to the children and carers by FFC local representative and by members who want to visit some of the sponsored children whenever they travel to Ethiopia. Visits to sponsored children are arranged only in the presence at least the carer and either a staff of the local charity or FFC representative.

Support to local partners

Where and when possible FFC members provide advice and technical support to our local partners in Ethiopia. Often these charities do not have adequate fund, and the basic human and material resources to carry out their day to day operations. On the other hand FFC members and supporters have considerable professional experience and access to useful resources which they can impart or share with the partners.
In the past FFC members have provided advice and technical support to one of the partners. Currently, there is a plan to ship old computers, and to raise fund for office equipment to another local partner.
FFC also plans to provide sub domain on this website to the local partners so that they have Internet presence. The opportunity will allow them to introduce themselves and their admirable works to our supporters and to the Ethiopian diaspora at large.